


  1. a general idea derived or inferred from specific instances or occurrences.
  2. the conjunction of all characteristic features of the story.


  1. The main idea of a story, expressed directly or indirectly.


  1. selling point.
  2. to sell idea.


  1. a one sentence summary of a script.
  2. a brief summary of a movie that provide both synopsis and plot.

Character bio

  1. the writing or composition of a character's life or personal identity.


  1. a brief outline or a general view of a written work.
  2. a summary of a story.


  1. plot
  2. a detailed description of a story or movie.


  1. a written sketch outlining the plot, characters, and action for screenplay.
  2. an adaptation of a novel or other literary work that serves as the basis for a screenplay.

Development hell/development limbo

  1. a period during which a movie or project are in development state.
  2. the time between the director or a writer having the idea for a movie
      and the time when a studio sign off (agree to fund) the idea usually measured in years.