

slugline = Interior/exterior, location, time of day
(add-on specifics, eg 1920's, flashback, moving car, dream)

action = describes necessary details (AV/audio and visuals) and what is happening at the moment

character names(dialogue) = always in CAPS

parentheticals (in brackets) = how the dialogue is being said 

dialogue = what is spoken by actors



  • 1 Sentence story idea

Homer learns to appreciate women.

  • 1 Sentence plot summary
After a picture of Homer's tipping a belly dancer spread out on public because of Bart, Homer need to set things right about what disgraceful act he had done to made up with Marge.

  • Synopsis
Bart are excited to use his new spy camera that he bought, so he decided to bring along his camera to his Homer-free family dinner. Unaware of the situation Homer who had a private party on a same place as Bart and Marge, took a chance to dance and flirt with a belly dancer that invited in the party. Right when he tipped the dancer, Bart caught the scene on his new camera.
Within days that picture have spread to the whole town, allowing Marge to know the truth. Mad by her husband acts, she asked Homer to apologize to the female dancer and explain the right things to Bart. After a hard time finding the club that the dancer work in, Homer explained how women should be treated with respect to the audience.

  • Act 1
Homer got into trouble with Marge after he got caught tipping a female dancer
  • Act 2
Marge sent Homer to take Bart and apologize to the female dancer
  • Act 3
Homer succeeded to show the right things to Bart and made everyone learn to respect women



- Story Angle
* what is the focus/key idea of your story?
* angle = perspective = POV

1 sentence Summary
* a summay of what your story is about
* who is your story about
* your story in one sentence
* story = key character + situation + motive + key msg

Executive Summary
* fast info for full production
* info should includes
   - Title
   - Genre
   - Target Audience
   - Target media / Channel
   - Target time slots
   - Language
   - Duration screenplay
   - 1 sentence summary
   - Production team / esp. producer & director
   - Production schedule / timeline
   - Ideal actors/actresses for key role
   - Marketing potential
   - Research & background info ( if relevant)
   - Contact info
   - etc.

- Synopsis (2-3 para)
* a summary story outline of your screenplay.
you usually read this before you watch a movie or a TV show

- Character Bios (key characters only)
* character traits that will be used for your screenplay.
* sometimes back-story is included IF used in screenplay.

- 3 Act Structure
* a one page map of your story in point form
* is your 3 act does not work, your screenplay will not work
* use this to plot out your story beats

- Storyline / treatment
* Detailed description/story of how your screenplay will be presented if produced
* no dialogue needed
* use present tense
* write as if you are watching the screenplay from start to end of your show.


FRASIER "the good son"

  • 1 sentence story idea
Story of man dealing with his grumpy father

  • 1 sentence plot summary
Frasier Crane paying his responsibility to take care of his old grumpy father.

  • synopsis
Frasier Crane is a new public's local radio psychiatric, who just moved in town after he failed his marriage. Thought that moving in is his solution to happiness, his life changed after he become responsible to took his grumpy old father on his care.

  • Character bio
- Short tempered
- Has a good lifestyle
- Care less of the other
- Responsible

  • 3 Act Structure
Act 1                 : Frasier Crane want to start a new better life after his divorce.
Turning point 1 : He moved to a new town with a new home and new job.
Act 2                 : His brother came and told him to take care of their old grumpy father who start to
                            destroy his new life.
Turning point 2 : Then he tries to find a person to take care of his father while he's gone, which end up
                            making them fight.
Act 3                 : With a little advice from a co-worker and his father courage to apologize they start to 
                            know each other feelings better.


Story Angle
Point of View of the character
ex; Kids or 20 years old guy

Premise (statement)
"Men and Women cannot be friend"



Act 1, A boy have 5 minutes to meet his friend at a live gig
Act 2, Along the way he found so many obstacle
Act 3, He reached in time just before the band finished their gig

Act 1, A snowman tries to find his way out from a snow crystal ball to join other party
Act 2, he couldn't get out from the crystal ball because of its hard glass
Act 3, In the end he almost got out from the crystal ball

Act 1, A flamingo obsesses to play yoyo
Act 2, But the other flamingo try to stop him to play yoyo
Act 3, In the end he stop all other flamingo to break him apart with his yoyo