

  • 1 Sentence story idea

Homer learns to appreciate women.

  • 1 Sentence plot summary
After a picture of Homer's tipping a belly dancer spread out on public because of Bart, Homer need to set things right about what disgraceful act he had done to made up with Marge.

  • Synopsis
Bart are excited to use his new spy camera that he bought, so he decided to bring along his camera to his Homer-free family dinner. Unaware of the situation Homer who had a private party on a same place as Bart and Marge, took a chance to dance and flirt with a belly dancer that invited in the party. Right when he tipped the dancer, Bart caught the scene on his new camera.
Within days that picture have spread to the whole town, allowing Marge to know the truth. Mad by her husband acts, she asked Homer to apologize to the female dancer and explain the right things to Bart. After a hard time finding the club that the dancer work in, Homer explained how women should be treated with respect to the audience.

  • Act 1
Homer got into trouble with Marge after he got caught tipping a female dancer
  • Act 2
Marge sent Homer to take Bart and apologize to the female dancer
  • Act 3
Homer succeeded to show the right things to Bart and made everyone learn to respect women