

1 sentence Pitch :
A man tries to get ready to work while his bathroom products keep interacting with him.

3 ACT :
Set up – A man trying to get ready early in the morning to catch up a meeting or else he would be killed by the mob he borrow money from.
Confrontation – His ability to talk and understand non-living objects slowing him down in the proccess
Resolution – George went through all the troubles with his ‘friends’ help and get to the meeting on time. 

Story Angle : 
Single average salary man who have nothing but his imagination


POSSIBILITIES: kid get killed by mob, win the kid from 

George is an average 41 years old man who live in a busy bee city of New York with his beloved 5 years old son. Living in an average apartment George has his billing pilled up; even the electricity has declined. To make it even worse last month, he borrow money from a mob just to pay his rent. And now he's in the edge of his life. Today, George must go to his meeting to get his money to pay his illegal loan. However, if he come late he's dead meat for the mobster. Yet the story is just beginning of his tiring bathroom madness day.

*RING* “Hey, wake up potato head!!!”

Shout the grumpy alarm, and keep ringing while jumping vigorously. George mutters and wake up finding himself going to be late after he sees the gramp alarm.

“Oh, no...! Why you wake me up late gramp, geez!!!”

Then he go to the bathroom that located just ahead from the bed room’s hall, rushing. And as soon he opens the door he slips on Mary the mat and falls into the floor. His arrival in the bathroom are welcomed by all the bathrooms’ supplies. From fuzzy tooth brush and towel to the busy lady Pine Cleanser who try to clean the toilet bowl along with her brush dog.

“Hi, George! Morning!”

He replies nothing, but an “OUCH!” to say.

The busy life around George keeps going on. And his first stop to get ready is the tooth brush and tooth paste brother. But what is so funny when George brushes his teeth? if you listen closely, you actualy could hear a faint scream from Zig the tooth brush as he muffeled to George mouth.

After he finished brushing his teeth, the nature called George. Then..., he pulls his pants and sits on the toilet bowl!; the others quickly turn their back and says.

“EWW...” along with the echo of “Nooo.....”

Now, George is in the shower. Things gets pretty loud in the shower, as Bob the mustache sponge regularly shouts and scream all the way... complaining about George dirty and rough skins.

“Yup, buddy. We could do this all... the time” says George.

But nothing could make George slow down his phase. The granpa alarm has shouts from the bed room accross the hall.


George rushed even more, and Bob screams like he is riding a loopy rollercoaster from US Universal Studio. But his ride end sooner than he thought it would be. When George puts the dizzy Bob back to his place, Harris the towel immediately greet him politely. Harris, is just like a rich house butler; he always refers George as a ‘sir’ and he speaks in British dialect. He is the most favorite thing that George respect, thats why Harris never look dirty a bit. Yet, it’s very disturbing when he got wrapped around George’s waist when George get out from the shower. Dressed up and cleaned from head to toe, George is ready to go. Everyone say bye to George, then he left. The room sudenly becomes quite. Nothing move, nothing speak; all things stay where it belong. and George gets to the meeting in time.

P.S to myself : Kidnap Robin Williams to act this.