

“Rabbit abusing girl” uses videos of abusing and killing animals to make money

Recently, a video of a woman abusing a rabbit appeared on this website, with the rabbit-abusing woman’s actions arousing the intense anger amongst netizens. This video has already been viewed over 5 million times, with over a hundred pages of comments by netizens one after another demanding that the woman’s identity be investigated. This incident first appeared on Mop in a post made by a netizen named “SevEn” on November 14th (over 500,000 views that day, now over 1.7 million views), becoming the hottest post of that day, then being reposted on Tianya and other major internet discussion forums, arousing the intense attention of netizens!

The video is 4 minutes and 9 second long in total. In the video, several little white rabbits are locked in a metal cage in the corner. Then, an approximately 20-year-old young girl wearing white takes out a rabbit from the cage, first kissing it, then holding the little rabbit closely while facing the camera saying “hello”. Following, the girl lifts the little rabbit high and then suddenly throws the little rabbit onto the desk. After a little white, the young girl again holds the little rabbit closely, stroking it affectionately, then puts it into her pocket, walking and swaying back and forth, mumbling/singing. Afterward, the girl picks up a thick plate of glass, makes a face, and puts it on top of the little rabbit. Here, the little rabbit’s body is already a little deformed, its four limbs struggling. However, the little rabbits struggles doesn’t illicit any sympathy from the girl, and instead, she sits her entire body on the glass plate until the little rabbit is crushed flat, its body no longer moving. As the camera rotates, we discover that there are the bodies of two more little rabbits lying on the floor.