
Dear, George (master)

- A story dedicated to my best friend Hilaria Juliana whom I never met for a long time -

Laura Susilo

A diary turns into a human girl to win the love of her owner within seven days before she turns back into a diary.

FINAL ASSIGNMENT (Grade       % )

My Blog: http://f11dm1343.blogspot.sg/
My Email: laura.susilo@yahoo.co.id


TITLE:                                     Dear George
GENRE:                                  Comedy, Romance, Life
TARGET AUDIENCE:            20-26 years old

Love life

A diary turns into a human girl in order to win the love of her owner within seven days before she turns back.

George is a clumsy desperate male who never tells anyone his story and emotions except his own personal diary. In his work place or in the public he never be the center of attention for a good purpose, his clumsiness is always the source of hatred around the other. But not to his diary, to Cindy he is a caring and sweet person; her wish is to make George be happy and write a happy journal inside her. Then, Miracle happened when a falling star pass by the window. In a blink of an eye Cindy turns into a human girl, she is told by a fairy that she must get George love within 7 days or else she would go back being a diary and George would never be happy. But Cindy must not tell George that Cindy is a diary before he falls in love with her.
With this great miracle, for 7 days Cindy approaches George every day. To make things worst she follow him everywhere. But within the days they found something that they never feel before. Though, George is too timid to express his love to Cindy: just a minute before the 7th midnight and Cindy turning back, George doesn’t want to lose her and say he love her. And they live happily ever after with a their clumsy sweet life.


CHARACTER LIST (All characters)
Key Character: Cindy and George

Cindy Diary
  • Type: Ring bind journal book
  • Colour: Blue cover with line paper
  • Age: 23 years old
  • Hair: Blond, Pigtail
  • Clothing: A Mini blue colored dress
  • Personality: Cheerful and sincere, always thinks positive of everything simple

George Henry
  • Hair: Ginger short wavy
  • Height: 182 cm
  • Skin: Fair white, with a bit of freckles
  • Age: 27 years old
  • Clothing: A yellow vest with a wooden glasses and a bow tie
  • Personality: Clumsy and gloomy, un-confident person who always aware of little things around him.

 Diner in Winter

 1960-1964 men's fashion
1963 Woman's fashion



Key Character(s):
- Cindy
- George

Must-have Info:
Setting: Manhattan, 1963

George gloomy personality push him back to become a happy person. Because of this, their first date become so awkward 

Climax (Grand Finale):
Cindy starts to feels that she's not loved by George and left crying.

Just a minute before the 7th night George run after Cindy and tells her that he loves her no matter what. He promised that he will be a better man for her and hope she loves him back.
Cindy want to date George and make him happy 

Cindy bright personality help him to lose his burden that always makes him dislike by others.
Yes, and George has become a whole new person
In a week Cindy must not reveal her secret. And at the same time making George to say he love her.

George doubts weather being with Cindy will bring nothing but trouble to her , hence he never say that he loves her. Then he start to deny his own feeling.

Moral of the Story:
Be happy to make people happy. That way you will feels your life become colorful.


Manhattan, winter 1963.
Live a 27 years old gloomy George Henry who always makes nothing but a mess, whatever he does and where ever he's at. George is a type of man who trips over and over on an ice path. He was never a man who become a girl's perfect boyfriend, not even for his ex-girlfriend 'Nerdy Tracy'. Others think he is a nightmare but not for Cindy, she knew what kind of a man George was; she knew all the little honest things about him. She's head over heel over it, and she could not thinks other things except him. Too bad she's not a human; she's a book, a diary, George's diary to be precise. She would never miss a thing about George, he writes every single things about his feelings towards life. And today he is really desperate and unhappy about his co-workers attitudes towards him, he feels like giving up and at the end of today's entry he wrote "I hope I could find happiness".
At the same time, Cindy wants George to be happy; that he would write happy things inside her.
Fate who look up upon both of them has a plan, she works her magic when both of them are asleep. In a blast shinning light Cindy turns into a girl, dress prettily in a blue striped mini dress. inside her right pocket she find a piece of a small paper.

"Find your happiness before the 7th day and the magic be yours. Tells your secret and the magic will disappear"

Without a question she crumple the paper and joyfully skipping around the snowy town, enjoying the miracle of being a human being till morning comes.

Breakfast in the Sunshine diner, the whole place filled with awkward atmosphere with the "Surfin' U.S.A" song playing from the jukebox. There's George could not figure out what he wants to order either where his diary went. He sit in a 2 sitter table reflecting he wants a company, yet he doesn't have any.The chilling winter strikes his back,  and in the corner of his eyes he spots a pretty girl with a blue dress staring at him while holding the menu. The she stand up and approach witty shy George, and sit in front his table resting her head on her  right hand.

"Hi, I'm Cindy nice to meet you"

then he reply

"H- h- hi, I- I'm George"

An awkward first conversation might not looks good but they phase it up and get to know each other of course with Cindy telling lies. But in the middle of the conversation  staggers George knocks his own shake and ruins Cindy dress. He panic and stands but it got worse as he accidentally flip his plate. He is apologize repeatedly, and so stunned Cindy grabs her shake pours it on George's shirt. The she laughs leading George to laughs the matter as well.

From then on everyday George and Cindy go on a regular date. Now at works George wouldn't mind every single negative thoughts from his co-workers, he would smile all day until he's off and ready for another date with Cindy.Yet on the 7th day George still never say he love Cindy, worst he starts to think that he's not good enough for Cindy. On the night of the 7th day, George didn't turn up on their date. 2 hours Cindy has waited in the park bench waiting, her  body covers with snow that falls on that night and she knew her time almost up. At home George regrets what he has done, he runs up to the park yet Cindy is not there perhaps she's gone.George gives up and walk home with heart fills of regrets. But suddenly he turns back and runs to the Sunshine diner, and there she was sitting on the very first table crying alone. She cover her whole face with a menu thinking,

"Soon I'll turn back to a diary, and I will never ever be able to touch him anymore"

*cough* *cough*

George sound takes her attention, as she uncover her face she see him sitting holding a menu in a very same seat when they first met each other.

"I know I'm a fool, I'm scared loving the person I care the most would hurt her back. And I know she deserves better than me, but I can't be without her. And I hope she will not given up on me. I love you Cindy"

"You fools, why would I want other man than you. You are the happiness of my life and the reason I'am here"

They ran to each other arm and kiss as the clock's ring at the 12 midnight. They couldn't careless about the homeless guy who sip on a coffee at the other table, or the lady who works her night shifts just to have an indifferent night. But those two people know better, how Cindy and George loves feels and how that night is not so indifferent then any other night. Yet what will happened next is only be a happiness, with a little of clumsiness and accidents that fate plan upon.