

Laura Susilo

A skunk and rabbit couple who want to get married in just a week must go through a day of bad luck.


My Blog: http://f11dm1343.blogspot.sg/
My Email: laura.susilo@ayhoo.co.id
Deadline: 31 Jan 2013


TITLE:                                   Wedding Rush
GENRE:                                 Comedy, Romance, Life
TARGET AUDIENCE:          13 – 20 years old

Chinese bridal custom on lucky numbers/date

A skunk and rabbit couple who want to get married in just a week must go through a day of bad luck because of their wedding date.

Bai and Ta is a happy couple who madly in love with each other for many years. Bai is a beautiful stripped skunk who bit of a shot tempered lady and on the other hand, Ta is an English Angora male who weight 4 times than general Angora; never heard before a word came out from his mouth. Despite the difference between their breeds and personality they never argue or even unhappy with their relationships.
However nothing could stop them to be together forever but their wedding date. They have waited 4 years to declare their eternal love on this very special date that they decided. Just one day before their wedding they need to prepare the wedding just as they dream it would be. However, they found more troubles within the days that try to keep them further apart.


CHARACTER LIST (All characters)
Key Character: Bai Chou and Ta Yuzi
Supporting Characters: Their parents and a Marriage officer

Bai Chou
  • Breed: Stripped skunk
  • Coat type and color: Sleek black with white strippes
  • Age: 25 years old
  • Personality: A bit short tempered yet very lovely and cheerful

Ta Yuzi
  • Breed: English Angora
  • Coat type and color: Fuzzy white
  • Age: 30 years old
  • Personality: Very quiet and passive in nature. He never make the move in the relationship


This story is based from a Chinese wedding culture where couples would search and married in a certain date. Some of the couples even said to be waiting for the perfect day that they would declare their love to each other and be forever bound. It is believed that the date would give them happiness and fortune, or it could simply mean it is the day to get the perfect wedding.
But to me to marriage is not about the perfect date or wedding, it’s about how you would love people entirely and not to just wait to say “I love you”. Because you should cherish your love everyday while it’s still there.

3 ACT STRUCTURE: (in point form below)

Key Character(s):
Bai Chou
Ta Yuzi

Must-have Info:
They live just like human in the city forest.

Bai’s wedding dress is destroyed after a laundry accident and Ta got into an accident and broke his paw.

Climax (Grand Finale):
The Bishop get into accident
And cannot continue the ceremony

2 days later Ta ask Bai to marry him without any formal ceremony

They want to get married

Bai use old wedding dress from her mom and Ta got his arm and an eye shaved to treat his wound.
They happily married even though it’s not the perfect time.
Troubles and bad luck thread their happy wedding day
Bai getting mad over the wedding and start to complain to Ta because of his unconcern

Moral of the Story if any:
Don’t wait for your love, but to cherish it as soon as possible.

In a forest city where wild animal live, there are two of the odd couple who madly in love with each other; they are Bai and Ta. You could say that they are an odd couple, because doesn’t exactly match each other. Bai is a lovely skunk who a bit of short tempered lady, and on the other hand Ta is an English Angora that never spoke a word; no one ever see his face to, because his hair is so long its cover his whole body. But despite their differences, they live harmonically happy and planned to get married exactly tomorrow at 12p.m. You could tell how it is very important to Bai; after all… girls always want to have their dream wedding don’t they. Not to mention this couple has waited 4 years just get married one particular special date; the date that describe as the day of eternal love. Though no one could see or hear a thing, Ta also quite excited behind his fuzzy hair. Sometimes you could hear a faint squeak came from him.
“Tomorrow is the day Ta, we could finally get married!!!” shouts Bai from her living room marking the calendar.
“Now, I should get my dress and prepare the cake order”. And off she goes with Ta’s car, leaving the lovely ball of hair lying on the bed for the evening.
Today is the day when the whole family will gather celebrating the couple, but who would know what would happened with a family of Stripped Skunk and English Angora would be when they gathered in a same room. Well I give you a clue, disaster; that’s what it is. Bai and Ta’s families would never brace each other, and they always argue with the each other about them getting married. Or which of the family are the worst. But nothing could separate the couple apart. Bai would tell to the families that they are happy as they are.
The Lucky day:
With all the dress and cake all prepare Bai is happy, and so does Ta. His tail would wag non-stop just to see the wedding cake displayed in front of him.
“We are going to have our perfect wedding no matter what, now I will get in shower”
The beautiful wedding dress is on the chair and the cake is stood up so deliciously high on the table. Just as high as Ta’s covered eyes could see from his hair, he drooled. He tried to just taste a bit of the cake.” Just a little bit …” he thought, reaching the cake. And then…
The cake fell. And what a mess it makes in the kitchen. In the end Bai comes and have a surprise looks in her face. Now she got no cake for her wedding, a dress covered in chocolate and a broken arm groom; Ta is rushed to the hospital. Four years have passed for them to get married and they won’t miss this day. An hour later Ta came back from the hospital; and there they are, the odd couple; standing in front the altar with a dirty dress and a wounded groom.  You couldn’t tell what the worse that could happened, but it is get worsen. Just a moment before they got married, the bishop fell from his first step from the altar. The wedding is off and Bai cries.
One day later, Ta came to Bai and married her just like that. No big celebration, no big cake, and no beautiful wedding dress. Just a simple golden ring and a smile on her face, on his to… just you couldn’t see it. And they happily married ever after.